Equine Veterinary Care
Chiropractic care, also known as spinal manipulation, begins with an exam of the equine spine and limb joints to find restrictions or areas of decreased range of motion.
Specific manipulations, or adjustments, are then used to restore normal range of motion (ROM) and normal function to the joint(s). These manipulations involve a high velocity, low amplitude (HVLA) thrust directed in the plane of the joint to correctly and safely restore ROM. Specific knowledge of anatomy and extensive training is required to correct restriction, not extreme strength. Chiropractic treatment is well-suited for horses who are experiencing:
Change in behavior or attitude, while saddling, riding, etc.
Change in performance or decreased energy
Refusing jumps or changing in jumping style
Resistance to collect or laterally bend
Hard on one rein
Sticking tongue out
Avoiding bit contact
Difficulty with one lead, always landing on the same lead after a jump
Wringing tail
Shortened stride
Muscle atrophy
Difficulty flexing at the poll
Bucking, especially in gait changes like trot to canter
Poor muscle development
Asymmetrical sweat pattern
If you are interested in learning more, or booking a chiropractic service please call our office at (410) 392-6646.